
Freitag, 11. November 2011

Flying to Polska

Elke, what would I do without you?! Thanks so much for borrowing me a laptop case (everytime I travel) and the Longchamp bag. I know, I need to stop spending all my money on clothes get it together and get me some travel basice like this ;)
I´m gonna put the laptop and the speedy into the Longchamp at security

Tha´t´s all what´s in my purse: money, sunnies, gloves, my favorite hand cream (by H&M), gum (in the heart-box) and my favorite lipstick by D&G. And nasal spray for take off and landing.

Coat: My Mom´s...yes, I still borrow her clothes ;)
Sweater/ Dress: COS, in stores now
Pants: New Yorker, in stores now
Scarf: COS, in stores now
Belt: Hermes, always in stores ;)
Shoes: Diesel

I just finished packing for my 4 day trip to Lodz, the city I was born in. So I took some pictures of my travel outfit. Do you recognize the sweater? It´s actually a dress that I wore in this post . I love it, the´re so many ways to wear it and the color is just amazing, it goes so well with the COS scarf in yellow/beige. I hope to be back soon with tons of pictures...Elke, I miss you already (tschö tschö tschö)

xoxo Doro

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hey toll bilder :D viel freude in polen meine wurzeln sind auch dort :D
    ich habe auch grad meine interesse an D&G Lippenstiften gebohren hast du die aus UK oder USA? ich suche auch,möchte die unbedingt testen :D


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